Green Town Phase 1
Green Town residence (13th Mile) is rightly situated at a distance away from the typically busy and hectic urban neighbours. The residents here can truly enjoy a peaceful environment closer enough to nature.
And yet the Green Town is ideally located, where networks of important activities are all linked together. Schools, shops, bazaars, and administrative centres are within short driving minutes.
The Green Town houses are designed chiefly based on the principles of “Simplicity, Refinement, and Comfortability.” Some features such as larger interior space, elegant and natural appearances of the houses are all intended for the creation of an ideal home.
Come to Green Town for a view and feel what’s in there for your choice of comfortable home living.
格林敦花園的房子都以“大方、美觀、舒適” 的原則作為設計考量,寬闊的室內空間以及包含著現代設計元素的外觀使其顯得安閒自在。