Green Town 2
Residential Houses
Green Town residence (13th Mile) is rightly situated at a distance away from the typically busy and hectic urban neighbours. The residents here can truly enjoy a peaceful environment closer enough to nature. And yet the Green Town is ideally located, where networks of important activities are all linked together. Schools, shops, bazaars, and government administrative centres are within short driving minutes. The Green Town houses are designed to chiefly base on the principles of “Simplicity, Refinement, and Comfortability.” Some features such as larger interior space, elegant and natural appearances of the houses are all intended for a creation of an ideal home. Come to Green Town for a view and feel what’s in there for your choice of a comfortable home living.
格林敦花園位於晉連路十三哩。其住宅建立在土質穩固的山丘高地上。格林敦的環境幽雅清新,讓住戶們遠離大都會裡的喧嘩,擁有舒適安逸的生活之餘也同時感受大自然的奧妙。格林敦毗鄰中小學校、商店、巴剎以及政府行政中心;所在位置交通便利,四通八達。格林敦花園的房子都以“大方、美觀、舒適” 的原則作為設計考量,寬闊的室內空間以及包含著現代設計元素的外觀使其顯得安閒自在。歡迎您與家人們蒞臨參觀,感受其特有的家居生活優勢。
Comfortable tolerance, Ecological Aesthetic
Green town 座落在苍翠树木的掩映之中,置身其中恍如远离了所有的都市尘嚣,宁静。优美的自然环境、典雅别致的建筑、缓慢的生活节奏、浓厚的人文底蕴融合现代化所带来的时代风尚,优质的适居家园。
Green town located in the natural environment. This is a place feel of quietness. An elegant and comfortable architecture is suitable for the people live modern habitable homestead and enjoy slow life rhythm.
Simple, Vogue, Definitely, Happiness
现代的建筑融合简约式风格。我们通过硬朗简约的设计与自然之美,用自己笔直的线条,给人新颖,大方和舒适的感觉,亲切而柔美显得浑然一 体,打造自然与现代居家的生活方式。
Modern architecture blends with the minimalist style. This place absorb the contemporary design for create the simple is beauty homestyle. This place also is harmony with the nature for creating the natural and homestead harmoniously lifestyle.
Ultimate interspace
Green Town interior spaces designed to minimalist style for appear the spaces is spacious and simple beauty layout. These spaces layout have designed to absorb modernization design for interior is graceful, elegant and noble.
All renderings are artist’s impressions only and all measurement are approximate. The information contain in this website is subject to change and cannot form an offer for contract. While every reasonable care has been taken in preparing this website, the developer cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies.